If I am not in the right denomination, will I be lost?

While membership in a Bible-believing church is important, it does not determine a person’s salvation. Salvation is founded upon a person’s acceptance of the Lord’s grace and surrender to His will.
I believe there are many people from a broad spectrum of churches who are saved. God judges people based on their walking in the light they have received. “For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart”
(1 Samuel 16:7). Obviously, many churches embrace inaccurate beliefs, but that does not mean God doesn’t have loyal children in these churches. They simply have not heard the truth or do not yet recognize it as truth. God will not hold them accountable for something they do not know. (See James 4:17 and John 9:41.) However, again, these sheep are living up to the light they have received.

It is also true that people can be members of a biblical denomination and still be lost because their hearts are not right. This is a common theme in Jesus’ teachings. “Many shall come … and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom. … But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness” (Matthew 8:11, 12).
Fortunately, God is a very wise and compassionate judge who knows each individual’s heart, and we can trust Him to decide who belongs in heaven.

At the same time, do not be deceived into thinking that membership in a particular denomination has no bearing on your spiritual life. It can profoundly affect your relationship with God. And again, it is always essential that we live up to the truth that we know once it is revealed, no matter the cost.
There is a special last-day message given in Revelation 18 in which God urges His children to come out of Babylon, a false system of worship where truth is mixed with error. I believe it is crucial to take this warning seriously and to study carefully so we can know that every teaching we follow is from Scripture. Remember, Jesus said, “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold” (John 10:16). But when He calls them, they will hear and follow Him to His fold.
Ultimately, at the end of time, there will be only two churches. One of these will receive the mark of the beast; the other will receive the seal of God. In this context, being in the right church is a matter of life and death. Standing for God’s truth and with His people will be paramount. That’s why, when determining what church to join, ask yourself if it is based on the Bible’s words or the teachings of someone else? Does it preach the importance of obeying God’s commandments? (See Revelation 22:14.) Is it a church working to reach others around the world? (See Revelation 14:6.) Is it preaching the three angels’ messages, found in Revelation 14?
I’m thankful that Amazing Facts has many great materials that can assist you in evaluating how to recognize God’s end-time church. I hope you will give us a call or go online to see how we might help you in your search. I highly recommend Joe Crews’ book Search for the True Church.

Finally, I encourage you to keep an open mind and study God’s Word very thoroughly so that you know for sure what course to pursue. Do as the noble Bereans did in Acts 17:11: “They received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” And claim the promise of John 16:13 as well: “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.”


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